ButtonHoverImage element (Thmutil extension)
Defines a button image that is used when the control is hovered over. ButtonImage and ButtonSelectedImage are required with ButtonHoverImage.
stringRelative path to an image file for the control. Mutually exclusive with ImageId and ImageResource and SourceX and SourceY attributes.
stringIdentifier to the Image element that serves as the image for the control. Mutually exclusive with ImageFile and ImageResource and SourceX and SourceY attributes.
non-negative integerIdentifier that references an image resource with type RT_RCDATA in the module for the control. Mutually exclusive with ImageId and ImageFile and SourceX and SourceY attributes.
non-negative integerX offset of the Theme/@ImageFile or Theme/@ImageResource. Can only be specified with Theme/@ImageFile or Theme/@ImageResource. Mutually exclusive with ImageId and ImageFile and ImageResource attributes.
non-negative integerY offset of the Theme/@ImageFile or Theme/@ImageResource. Can only be specified with Theme/@ImageFile or Theme/@ImageResource. Mutually exclusive with ImageId and ImageFile and ImageResource attributes.