Font element (Thmutil extension)
Defines a font including the size and color.
FontColorTypeA system color id or a hexadecimal value representing BGR background color of the font. “ffffff” is white, “ff0000” is pure blue, “00ff00” is pure green, “0000ff” is pure red, and “000000” is black. If this attribute is absent the background will be transparent. Supported system color ids are: btnface, btntext, graytext, highlight, highlighttext, hotlight, window, and windowtext.
FontColorTypeA system color id or a hexadecimal value representing BGR foreground color of the font. “ffffff” is white, “ff0000” is pure blue, “00ff00” is pure green, “0000ff” is pure red, and “000000” is black. If this attribute is absent the foreground will be transparent. Supported system color ids are: btnface, btntext, graytext, highlight, highlighttext, hotlight, window, and windowtext.
integer requiredFont size. Use negative numbers to specify the font in pixels.
string requiredIdentifier for the font.
yesnoSpecifies whether the font is underlined.
non-negative integerFont weight.