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Planning our testing

When last we left our installer, we’d refactored it a bit to clean up some naming and got it installing our placeholder app. (The real app? After a “planning off-site” to narrow in on the UI framework and development language, the dev team did the opposite and added three UI frameworks and two cool new languages they want to use. We still have time before they catch up to us.) So far, installing the placeholder app is the only bit of “real” functionality we’ve done. Or is it?

One of the nice things about building Windows Installer packages with WiX is that we get access to all the functionality of Windows Installer. (Also we get access to all the functionality of WiX, but we’ll talk more about that later.) For example, an MSI package contains all the data needed to let MSI create the directories needed to lay out the files that are inside it. That means it also contains the data MSI needs to uninstall the file and delete the directories. We didn’t have to write any XML for that and even WiX didn’t do anything for us behind the scenes; that behavior is part of Windows Installer itself.

OK, so we can test install and uninstall. Is there anything else? Oh my, yes — wait until we want to test patch uninstall failure rollback — but for now, let’s stick with those two scenarios.

The steps in the test plan need to cover how to install and uninstall and which directories and files to check. We know from Sprint 1 and our update during Sprint 2, where our package will install the placeholder app: C:\Program Files (x86)\Edgerock Concepts WixTutorialPackage\App.exe.

So our test plan looks something like this:

  1. Ensure the installer installs the placeholder app.
    1. Double-click the .msi file.
    2. Wait for the install to finish.
    3. Make sure C:\Program Files (x86)\Edgerock Concepts WixTutorialPackage\App.exe exists and is the placeholder app we just built.
    4. Open Installed apps (aka ARP) and verify WixTutorialPackage is listed.
  2. Ensure the installer uninstalls the placeholder app and cleans up.
    1. Open Installed apps, select WixTutorialPackage, click the ... button, and choose Uninstall.
    2. Confirm the uninstall and wait for the uninstall to finish.
    3. Make sure C:\Program Files (x86)\Edgerock Concepts WixTutorialPackage\App.exe has been deleted.
    4. Make sure the C:\Program Files (x86)\Edgerock Concepts WixTutorialPackage directory has been deleted.
    5. Re-open Installed apps and verify WixTutorialPackage is not listed.

That’s good enough that if the interns weren’t busy gophering coffee for marketing, we could’ve gotten their help with the grunt work.